Structural testing

DMS and rail bridge

Imetrum's measurement systems are the perfect solution to precision measurement of large structures and geotechnical engineering projects. View our structural monitoring products page.

There is an on-going need to understand the health and welfare of large civil engineering structures such as Buildings, Bridges and Tunnels, yet more pressure than ever on efficiency and cost. Our systems have a number of features that make them an ideal solution for structural testing and the monitoring that enables predictive maintenance;

Adaptable and easy to use

The Imetrum Video Gauge™ technology can measure multiple points on any structure, without complicated installation or re-siting of sensors or delicate machinery.

Low cost, accurate technology

From continuous dynamic monitoring, through routine assessment to short notice, urgent measurements, our systems are extremely cost effective when compared with conventional contacting sensors or laser-based devices.

Immediate results

Measurements can be taken in real time to provide instant answers to engineering and safety questions and can capture a considerable amount of usable data. This information can either be processed off-site, or worked with live to improve the quality and accuracy of reporting.


Quick and safe to set up

One hour’s set up is generally all that is required, which compares well to conventional technology. Possessions, lane closures and working at height or in confined spaces can usually be avoided as our system can be used from tens or even hundreds of metres away from the areas of interest.

Rich Data

Our systems are able to both generate data traces and capture images, allowing visual inspection and numerical analysis. The resulting data can be used to determine strategies to address identified problems, or develop cost efficient maintenance strategies and assess their effectiveness.

Our system offers dynamic monitoring of:

  • Position (Displacement)
  • Strain (Expansion and Contraction)
  • Rotation (Twist, Tilt and Bending)


Monitoring Dynamic Crack Growth on a Masonry Arch Rail Bridge

Monitoring and Recording Vertical and Longitudinal Displacement of Rail Track in Real Time

0.05mm Resolution Displacement Monitoring of a London Underground Bridge

Case Studies

CS129 - Use of the Imetrum's system in structural monitoring


CS115 - Measuring rail bridges


CS116 - Measuring road bridges
